What Homeowners Need To Know About Lead Paint
If you are a homeowner in Nashville’s historic district, you get to enjoy the charm and beauty of an older home every day. Of course, having a home built before certain construction standards were in place means that you have a few more considerations when it comes to remodeling. One of these issues is lead paint, which was banned from use in 1978, but was unfortunately used in about 75% of American homes built prior to that year. Let’s discuss safety regarding lead paint and other potential health hazards in historic homes.
Lead Paint And Other Historic Home Facts
If lead paint is present in your house, it is likely lingering beneath newer layers of paint. Similarly to asbestos, a form of insulation banned from use in 1989, lead paint in older homes is not hazardous unless it is undisturbed. If the paint is in good shape, then it is likely not an issue. If the paint is peeling, chipping, cracking, damp, or otherwise damaged, it can release toxins into the air that cause issues such as high blood pressure and kidney damage in adults and learning, health, and behavioral issues in children.
Windowsills, doors, railings, and stairs are all places where lead paint can become exposed due to natural wear and tear, particularly if young children or pets are within the home. To keep your loved ones safe and for peace of mind, consider contacting a certified lead professional to check your historic home for lead.
How Lead Paint Effects Home Renovation
While a renovation on a historic home may have additional steps, it is nothing that our Trace Ventures team has not expertly handled before.
You will need consultation from a certified lead professional before beginning renovation, for demolition or renovation of any kind will trigger lead paint or asbestos to be released into the air. Trace Ventures is a lead-certified firm and can help with this stage of the remodeling process. To be safe, asbestos testing should also be done before the structure of your home is disrupted. As your trusted contractors, we will maintain awareness throughout the remodel about the age of your home and possible materials used.
Historic home remodeling often entails preserving or enhancing the timeless beauty already present within your home. We are more than happy to work with original materials and give them the care they deserve through thoughtful craftsmanship and design.
Everyone who comprises the Trace Ventures team is in the construction business because we care about homes and all they represent, safety being one of those values. We are proud members of the Nashville community and cherish the opportunities to work on houses new and old for incredible people. This means keeping you and our team safe throughout the remodeling process and long after our job is done. Interested in beginning your historic home remodel? Call us at (615) 292-7354 today!